I'm not personally interested in fashion & brands that much , but still I have my wife to follow all these clearances. We have been to many of them in Malaysia within the past two years we have been here, such as: CK, Padini, Dior, Pull & Bear, Zara & ...
This last one of Zara in my opinion was not that good I expected. Most of the sizes were not available. (Although we entered by the first minutes of its opening) Models were somehow old. However people were so happy about it, specially women of course. They had at least four times more options of choosing since they are basically woman & there were much more women stuff over there.
Most of the time, I was standing in a corner & observing people's behaviors & reflections.
They were so crazy about what they have find & what prices are available. It was like its a great job they have done. They somehow felt like, they are the only person who could buy such thing.
Human behavior is sometimes so limited to the moment and very subjective. It makes me to be sorry about our generation.
There were times,not long ago that fashion did not exist or at least it was not this much important and no one had any problem wearing any clothes, as long as they were neat & clean. What happened? Economy? Market? Advertising? Money? .... We spend money on things that we don't really need them and we buy them just in case, because they are cheap! wow! what a sensational act of us! so smart! Really?
I bought a small shirt of Zara only with a price of RM10 , almost 3.5 USD! I didn't need it too. So I bought it just in case. I have been outsmarted, I believe!