Saturday, May 21, 2011

95 7 The Party

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  • starflyer
    Nov 29, 10:29 AM

    This could be a good thing!

    I would pay a dollar to fill up my new iPod with music. :D

    "These [digital music player] devices are just repositories for stolen music, and they all know it," Morris was quoted as saying at the time. "So it's time to get paid for it.

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 30, 08:55 PM
    I'd like to be able to install OS X on it, because the only reason why I'd ever use Windows is for the latest games. Here are the spec's, think this would run OS X nicely? ;-)This is a joke...right?

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 8, 08:37 PM
    But Intel did not force Apple to use Intel's IGP, Apple could have added separate graphics chipset just as they did with the MBP. Which wouldn't really make sense on an MBA IMO.

    Intel did indeed force Apple to use their IGP by not licensing other vendors to provide IGPs. The reason the MBP 13" and MBA 13" use IGPs and not dedicated GPU is one of space. Apple can't magically conjure up space on the logic board.

    If I didn't already have an MBA and had the option between the current crop and the SB variant, I'd pick the SB without thinking twice about it and I doubt i'm in the minority.

    I push the GPU more often than I push the CPU on my MBA. I doubt I'm in the minority, though I'm probably part of the minority that actual knows this little fact. ;)

    No matter how much you try to spin this, Intel got greedy on this one and couldn't back their greed with competence. They have sucked at GPUs since they have been in the GPU game (Intel i740 anyone ?).

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  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 25, 01:54 PM
    why isn't there an opt-in (apart from the general 'eat **** or die' TOU) or at least an opt-out for this?
    It's opt-in. When you first use an app that requests to use location data iOS asks you if that okay and you can deny it. You can also opt out by turning location services off..

    why is it so easy to access the data?
    Put a pin/password on you phone and encrypt your iTunes backup (it's a simple checkbox in iTunes preferences). You're secure.

    I can't possibly see how the plaintiffs can win this one.

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  • Leoff
    Sep 19, 08:25 AM
    You may be right to a certain extent, but l i assumed that most people who want a Macbook Pro are going to be using it for intensive stuff - I was under the impressions that Macs are the platform of choice for a lot of graphics professionals etc so the high end line would have a lot of those kind of ppl buying. Granted the difference in speed will probably be fairly minimal, but when you are spending a load of cash on a top-of-the line notebook, why shouldnt you expect to have the latest and greatest technology available? It also seems quite likely they might either make them cheaper, or offer more RAM on the base model etc. so buying now unless you really have to seems foolish.

    Im also not sure about your point on the resale value, i would imagine pro users probably would be concerned about which processor it had in it.

    Note that I, and the previous commenter who I quoted, have been talking about MacBooks, not MacBook Pros.

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  • Apple Corps
    Aug 27, 09:21 AM
    Simple. Apples' current sale for students on getting a MAJOR discount on iPods when you buy a new mac, ends on Friday the 15th. Thus, the following monday, will come the new updates. They wouldn't release before, because they would be cutting their profits even more than they are now.

    Are you sure that discount applies to the NEW Merom based Macs - I don't think so?

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  • nbaker756
    Aug 25, 09:20 PM
    my dad bought a new 17in MBP and got it a week after it came out-couple days later, the battery would stop working and wouldnt be recognized by the computer-i called apple and by the end of the day i had a box sent to send in the computer-3 days later it was back with a new battery and everything. great service. also i had an airport problem-i brought it into the apple store, they looked at the airport, and in 20 minutes replaced it with a new one for no cost because i had applecare. i feel they have great service next to others, such as dell who i have called before and had a crap load of trouble...

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  • rezenclowd3
    Dec 7, 06:16 PM
    would those that have played this game reccomend getting it? or are there too many cons (standard cars, multiple versions of one car, bad AI in racing, bad physics in damage esp with standard, etc) that would lead to buyers remorse?

    Keep in mind, I have played quite abit of Forza, but now have a PS3 and want agood racing sim but just keep hearing bad things about this game (largely being an incomplete game)

    I'd say keep playing Forza 2 or 3 for now. Wait another 6mo-a year to pick up GT5 and its numerous proposed updates. As a game, Forza 2 and 3 are more complete packages, especially online.

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  • Denarius
    Mar 23, 11:40 AM
    Enough time to move diplomatically as well?
    There was tonnes of external political pressure exerted on Gadafi in the run up and he didn't shift an inch and proceeded to pick off unarmed protesters to an extent not seen in the other recent North African revolutions.

    I suppose the point at which "all other options have failed" is a debatable one, since everyone has different opinions on what constitutes a valid option.

    In the scenario that existed last week, it wasn't only 'what other options there', but 'what other options are there that will prevent Gadafi killing off the revolutionaries before the week is out. Other options of the latter type were non-existent.

    Gadafi needs to end it by standing down and the Libyan Government declaring free elections subject to UN oversight.

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  • nep61
    Apr 5, 04:49 PM
    And I was sooooo close to buying AVID MC 5.5... thank goodness for an extended wait for my Tax refund... Now I'll sit tight to see if this RUMOR is actually true..... :apple:

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  • BillyShears
    Aug 7, 09:32 PM
    all the pictures i've seen of leopard show a unified interface :D

    Safari appears to be brushed metal. Go here ( and go to about 1/6 of the way through.

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  • Consultant
    Apr 19, 02:06 PM
    What annoys me even more is that Apple always seems to make these claims that they made such and such first, and that Windows is copying Mac OS.. What annoys me is if you know a bit of the history you'll find that Apple copied Xerox interface, with permission of course, but it's not like they came up with it first..

    Now they are making another claim that Samsung is copying..

    WRONG. A lot of modern GUI elements are INVENTED by Apple:

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  • Sydde
    Mar 17, 01:04 PM
    �Change� means nothing ... you don�t want to deal with the monetary/financial crisis in this country, you want to keep the system together for the benefit of the banks and the big corporations and the politicians...When you voted for 'change' in you really voted for more of the same.
    As opposed to voting for breaking the system down for the benefit of banks and big corporations? We have seen the actions of neo-liberals like Scott Walker: if he gets his way, the whole state will belong to Cargill and Schneider and Bergstrom and Johnsonville, etc, with no government left to protect citizens and businesses from corporate interests. Paul is cut from the same cloth. Put him in the Whitehouse and there will be millions of people protesting full time in DC, because they will have nothing else to do with their time.

    Paul wants to shut down government. All that would be left is the few peace officers needed to protect business from millions of poor people. That is the neo-liberal utopia, as envisioned by Alisa Rosenbaum. This kind of policy has clearly been shown to be a recipe for potentially violent revolution:In his Brief History of Neoliberalism, the eminent social geographer David Harvey outlined "a theory of political economic practices that proposes that human well-being can best be advanced by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills within an institutional framework characterised by strong private property rights, free markets, and free trade." Neoliberal states guarantee, by force if necessary, the "proper functioning" of markets; where markets do not exist (for example, in the use of land, water, education, health care, social security, or environmental pollution), then the state should create them.

    Guaranteeing the sanctity of markets is supposed to be the limit of legitimate state functions, and state interventions should always be subordinate to markets. All human behavior, and not just the production of goods and services, can be reduced to market transactions.

    The only people for whom Egyptian neoliberalism worked "by the book" were the most vulnerable members of society, and their experience with neoliberalism was not a pretty picture. Organised labor was fiercely suppressed. The public education and the health care systems were gutted by a combination of neglect and privatization. Much of the population suffered stagnant or falling wages relative to inflation. Official unemployment was estimated at approximately 9.4% last year (and much higher for the youth who spearheaded the January 25th Revolution), and about 20% of the population is said to live below a poverty line defined as $2 per day per person.

    For the wealthy, the rules were very different. Egypt did not so much shrink its public sector, as neoliberal doctrine would have it, as it reallocated public resources for the benefit of a small and already affluent elite. Privatization provided windfalls for politically well-connected individuals who could purchase state-owned assets for much less than their market value, or monopolise rents from such diverse sources as tourism and foreign aid. Huge proportions of the profits made by companies that supplied basic construction materials like steel and cement came from government contracts, a proportion of which in turn were related to aid from foreign governments.source (

    Except, Americans are not likely to wait 30 years before fighting back.

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  • grue
    Apr 11, 08:42 PM
    Oh, and this is a more minor gripe, btu they need to pull their heads out of their asses and fix their volume licensing program, it's rubbish.

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  • khollister
    Mar 22, 01:37 PM
    Yeah a 50% smaller screen for the same price and less battery life is certainly going to crush the iPad2.

    Plus RIM's usually obtuse software - I hate my company BlackBerry

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  • bibbz
    Jun 9, 10:34 AM
    I have a few quick questions for anybody that works at Radio Shack:

    I plan on going into a Radio Shack store on Tuesday to look into Appraising my iPhone. Do I need the Original Box? I have the Accessories and the books that came with my iPhone, but don't have the box.
    nope, just the phone :)

    Also can I just get an Appraisal without having to agree to it? and
    Does my phone have to be resorted to factory setting and my info wiped off if I'm just going in for an Appraisal?
    yes, we log in and appraise it, then you can either agree or decline. just tell them you are wanting to know for the launch. It's after you say "ok sounds good" that we start the actual point of sale process. The phone doesnt have to be wiped, just no passcode.

    If I decide to go along with the Appraisal and Pre Order an iPhone 4 does the store take my iPhone that day? Or do I keep it until I get the iPhone 4?
    You will want to do the trade in when you pick the phone up. We havent got official word on the preorder process for the iphone 4 but if its like the evo, it will work like this...

    You pay $50 and we give you a gift card for that ammout and a reservation. When you come in to pick up your (example) $199 phone we apply the $50 ngift card making it 149 you pay right then, then we do the trade in and take that ammount off the 149. :)

    I was also wondering if it makes any difference in the appraisal if the phone is a Refurbished or not? My Girlfriends is a Refurbished one.
    Refurbs trade in jsut the same as a new one. think about it like this... A refurb is a used phone, and you are trading in a used phone anyway. :)
    Sorry for all the questions.


    no worries bro, hope i could help! :)

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  • eeboarder
    Jul 27, 04:56 PM
    This may be a bit of a disappointment, but I think that Merom is still in the "past:" merom is not a 64-bit chip. None of these Core 2's are. They just have EM64T (, which allows them to address more than 4 GB of memory directly. These are not true 64-bit processors like the G5--that is, the Core 2 Duo won't work with 64-bit applications. The G5's Intel counterpart would, I think, bit the Itanium chip, based on intel's IA-64 ( Architecture, which is truly 64 bit in every way. Merom simply contains a 64-bit extension to the IA-32 (x86) ( architecture, which I understand is still a 32-bit architecture. We're not out of the woods yet...

    Wow. I've very interested. Any sources? I was really looking forward to using 64-bit apps and possibly a stable os with the new meroms.

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 26, 08:28 PM
    On the day that the MBP's with merom go on sale, I wonder WHAT TIME Apples website will change and display the new products? :confused:Updated Wesbite Is Usually by 9 Eastern. Occasionally later. But usually then. :)Probebly 10:00AM - 11:00AM Pacific time.No.Eastern? That's 6:00AM Pacific? You think? 9:00AM Pacific sounds good.No. its usually by 6AM Pacific 9AM Eastern. I KNOW - not guessing.

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  • realitymonkey
    Apr 6, 09:52 AM
    You must have pretty limited experience.

    It's the only logistical way to deliver high-bitrate 1080p material to clients.

    Really what sort of clients ?

    Apr 12, 09:28 AM

    This was posted by another member, relaytv in another thread.
    Interesting read while we wait

    Apr 27, 08:37 AM
    Its not about being a criminal or paranoid. This data is for the sole purpose of marketers to sell us crap.

    Well, I'm tired of seeing ads everywhere I turn. You can't go to the bathroom now without seeing a ad shoved in your face and its becoming tiresome.

    It reminds me of a line from Futurama:

    Leela: Didn't you have ads in the 21st century?"

    Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio, and in magazines, and movies, and at ball games... and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts, and bananas and written on the sky. But not in dreams, no siree.

    Well, Fry could have added our iPads and our phones too. Its disgusting already how much advertising has infiltrated our lives. You can't even read a news story on the internet without an ad being being intrusively shoved in your face.

    Things don't just happen without money. People are increasingly adverse to paying for items like apps or news, or are only willing to pay so much (e.g. pay TV, sport etc.), such that marketing needs to subsidise the product.

    That news story you read on the internet? It's because of that ad so intrusively shoved in your face that you didn't need to reach for your wallet to be able to read it.

    There's no such thing as a free lunch.

    Jul 21, 06:23 AM
    This time I had to create a new profile though and in the profile where the resume was everything worked fine ACCEPT !!!

    Sorry, you have not got the job at MS because you can't spell EXCEPT


    Apr 20, 07:50 AM
    Don't let a few cherry picked pictures trick you, most Galaxy models don't look at all like an iPhone :

    This one can go either way. Of course the Apple biased media are cherry picking their pictures. I'd doubt you'd have a hard time telling both devices apart in the real world with both in front of you.

    Especially consdiring the Samsung doesn't use the icon grid on its homescreen at all, contrary to what the pictures are trying to show.

    Why are you always anti-apple in every other thread?

    Don't you yourself see any similarities b/w SG phones and the iPhone?
    The only difference to me is the wallpaper and dull icons. They look almost the same.

    Apr 11, 11:46 AM
    Just picked up a Atrix 4G and on my way checked out the iPhone 4 - it looks decidedly antique and bland in front of the competition - Apple waiting until September would mean they rely awful lot on people's stupidity to keep buying it for 8 more months!

    That ain't gonna happen - we will see a dual core iPhone 5 by June shipping by July or something (followed by shortages and long waits.)!